Breezing through life and loving every moment…

Madelyn @ 7 Weeks

Our daughter is fast approaching 8 weeks…what 2 months????!! Already???!!

She is babbling even more now and can now look us in the eye and smile. Precious, really. On top of that she is also a much calmer baby now that I am beginning to be able to gauge when she is unhappy (hungry or sleepy) and act upon them before she wails. So she is crying less now.

So, it DOES get better like they say it would 🙂

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I Miss Rainy Naps

Monsoon season for Borneo finally rolled in after long scorching months of too intense hot weather. We are getting afternoon showers and it usually rains at nights now. Perfect weather for naps and sleep-ins…

Oh how I miss thee … those lazy snuggly hours. Nowdays when it is pouring outside I am inside trying to make Maddy nap or sleep for the night.

When oh when do I get my rainy naps back? Probably when I am sixty or something……

But If Maddy is well rested, she wakes up happy and gives me my special grin. Then it is all worth it 🙂

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Maddy’s First Smile at Mommy

This afternoon before I put Maddy down for her nap, she just looked up at me with her big round eyes and smiled!! Her first real smile AT ME! Not one of her I-think-the-ceiling-fan-is-cool smile but a smile for me-her mummy!

After that we spent about half an hour in bed next to each other – me chatting on my phone and her gurgling and cooing away with the music I put on from the ipod.

What a lovely moment 🙂

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…is a better day. I managed to put Maddy down for two naps today – one short one-hour nap in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon.

While she was sleeping next to me on the bed this afternoon, I just stared at her and suddenly I realized just how much I really love her. I just need to write that down.

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Baby’s First Day Out

Maddy had her first outing in her stroller this evening… Well, it was just up and down the street in front of the house but it was a nice evening with a steady breeze and she was happily cooing away.

I hope this will be start of many more outings with mummy and daddy 🙂

P/S: Mummy was mighty glad to be out of the house too by the way 🙂

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Mommy Meltdown

Yesterday afternoon was particularly difficult. Maddy kept on crying as soon as I put her down on the cot to nap, even though seconds before she seemed to be in such deep sleep on my arms. I was desperate to put her down as my arms were aching and carrying her increasing weight around was making my abs slightly sore-something which worried me due to my csect wound.

She wouldn’t let me put her down too over lunchtime so I could not eat until hubby was done with his lunch. I tried eating while holding her in one arm but that was messy-and it frustrated me even more.

By late afternoon I was exhausted and cranky from the repeated tries of putting her down and picking her up again due to her crying. My wrist hurt badly. My abs sore.

Then suddenly she fell asleep on the sofa and I managed to get some rest for my wrist. But moments later hubby returned home, and the car rolled over our defective drainage cover and made a loud clanking noise. As a result, Maddy woke up startled and cried fitfully.

I subsequently burst into tears.

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Strollers and Playtime

Early this morning, Maddy sat in her stroller and was contented for about 30 minutes. I wheeled her to the kitchen and she watched mum and I eat breakfast while making cute baby coos and when she got a little restless I wheeled her out onto the front yard for some fresh air. She seemed to be okay with the stroller if there are things to look at I suppose.

Then later at noon and early afternoon she played by herself for some time in her cot and the rocker.

At least bit by bit she has her ‘me’ time which in return gives me time off as well.

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I Am A Mommy?

Sometimes in the middle of the night or in the wee hours of morning when the room is in semi darkness, and all is quiet (Phew!!)… I sit on the edge of my bed and look at this little person sleeping soundly in the cot. And it will strike me then how such a drastic change had crept into my life and I barely noticed the transition.

Here I am, a mother to this child. I am the adult and parent totally responsible for everything in her life at least for the next 20 years.

It is a scary thought, is it not? And yet.. I managed to carry on relatively ok for the last 5 weeks huh? However did we manage that, I wonder …. Somehow hubby and I just changed overnight and took on the roles as parents. Somehow this strong natural instinct to care for and protect our daughter took over and made us what we are today.

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Ah-Goo Wawa

Maddy started to coo and babble at week 3 and I simply love love love her babytalk! She sounds soooo adorable.

Today together with her cooing she has started to smile as she babbles on. Precious moments!

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Random Updates @ 5 Weeks Postpartum

After so many posts about baby Maddy, here are some updates on how I am getting along as a mummy and just … well, about myself.

1. I was up to 62 kg on the scale right before Maddy was born. I now weigh 53 kg after 5 weeks. I cannot be bothered with anything to do with dieting at the moment as I need to make sure I am eating enough to maintain my milk supply for Maddy’s appetite. But I do noticed that my belly is actually flatter now than before I got pregnant or even during my wedding!

2. I discovered that I am able to function for 2-3 days without sleep, after which my body starts to give me Please-Take-A-Break signals

3. On some days I barely have time to wash my face. And yet my complexion is better than ever. Hmmm….

4. I wanna eat pizza and french fries

5. Although I do enjoy spending time with my little girl, I do miss the company of good friends at work 😦

6. I still try to log into my office network from time to time just to see what’s going on at work. Does this make me a workaholic???

7. I am blardy nervous about our first outing with baby to the doctor’s next week.

8. I am a thousand times more nervous in anticipation of mum and dad’s return to home in two weeks. OMG!!! How the heck will I cope then??????!!!!

9. My iphone is now my best buddy during those long quiet lonely feeding times. I am even starting to watch reruns of The Nanny….

10. I appreciate my hubby much much much more now. He is so much more calmer than I am when dealing with a screaming infant. Wow..