Breezing through life and loving every moment…

The Single Parent: I Salute Thee!

on September 5, 2010

Hubby is back…and I survived 3 days and 2 nights by myself and Maddy at home; the first time alone with her since she was born.

I have to say, it was not easy. I knew it would be manageable, but I did not know what to expect. Maddy can be considered quite an easy baby and I am thankful for that. On top of dealing with the needs of a 4-month old baby, I managed to cook lunch and dinner, take 2 proper showers, work (don’t forget I am technically still employed and need to honor my work-at-home arrangement), water the garden and feed the dogs. Well the last two chores barely took an hour together but still…Maddy was so nice and well-behaved to give me free time to be able to do those stuff when I had to. When there is a baby to manage, the hardest part I think is to be able to do things at the moments you want them done. And I cannot stress again how thankful I am that for all her eccentricities (past and present), Maddy lets me settle my daily chores at the times I need to.

But after spending those 2 days alone with her, I have a deep respect for single parents. By the end of each day, after Maddy finally drifted off into her baby dreamland I was so relieved! How do single parents do that day after day? I danced with glee when Hubby finally walked through the door and not looking forward to the long weeks next year when he goes offshore again.

But for now…Hubby is back home again. And to any single parent who happens to drop by this blog..*BOW BOW*

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